1. News -

    Health and care leaders, along with frontline vaccination teams, are stepping up efforts to offer all eligible adults over the age of 18 with Covid-19 booster vaccines before the end of the year.
  2. News -

    There’s just under a week to go for residents across the county to feedback their views on pharmaceutical services in Wiltshire. What's good and what could be improved?
  3. News -

    Find out more about the easing of restrictions.
  4. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
  5. News -

    The Covid-19 vaccination programme in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire is continuing at pace, with the oldest and youngest in the region being invited to come forward for the life-saving vaccine.
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    Selected pharmacies in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire will remain open over the Easter break to offer out-of-hours help and support to those with minor health and care concerns.
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    More people living across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire will be able to receive a Covid-19 booster vaccine this autumn.
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    Holidaymakers are being encouraged to pack self-care essentials to help them enjoy the summer season safely, whether at home or further afield.
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    Along with new shoes, pencil cases and PE kits, parents across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire are being advised to put the Covid-19 vaccine at the top of their children’s back-to-school to-do list.
  10. News -

    Experts are predicting an early wave of flu and a rise in Covid cases this winter.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Know the signs and symptoms of seasonal influenza (flu) and who is eligible for a free vaccine.
  12. News -

    Adults over the age of 50 in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire can give themselves the best possible chance of staying fit and healthy this winter by arranging to have a Covid-19 autumn booster and the flu jab.
  13. News -

    Get your repeat prescription in by Friday 16 December to ensure you have medicines in time for Christmas.
  14. News -

    A six-year-old budding investigator is helping the people of BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire choose the right NHS service this winter with a series of heart-warming online films that go behind the scenes at local health and care facilities.
  15. News -

    Families in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire will be able to access healthcare from local pharmacies over the festive period.
  16. News -

    The number of people avoiding an NHS appointment because they can’t afford travel almost doubled between October and December as the cost of living crisis is forcing many to change how they use health and care services.
  17. News -

    We’re calling on the people of Wiltshire to tell us what you think we should be working on in the coming year.
  18. News -

    An increase in the number of norovirus cases across the region is adding extra pressure to an already-busy local health and care system.
  19. News -

    People are being reminded to get any repeat prescriptions in early to avoid running short over the long Easter weekend.
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    The long Easter weekend, coupled with four days of planned industrial action by junior doctors immediately afterwards, has prompted an urgent call to the public to support their NHS in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire.
  21. News -

    People are being encouraged to take up the offer of getting a Covid-19 booster this spring, to help protect themselves and those around them.
  22. Advice and Information -

    A new scheme could see women across England save hundreds of pounds yearly on their Hormone Replacement Therapy with a prepayment certificate.
  23. Advice and Information -

    If you need support for your health outside of the standard opening hours of your local GP, there are places that you can go for support.
  24. News -

    This year’s autumn flu and Covid-19 vaccine programmes will start earlier than planned in England as a precautionary measure following the identification of a new Covid-19 variant.
  25. News -

    Vaccinations against flu and Covid-19 are now under way for those in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire most at risk of falling seriously ill.
  26. Advice and Information -

    The cost-of-living crisis is putting many people under financial strain, and prescription costs are more than some people can afford to pay. Find out what help is available to help you cover the cost of your medication.
  27. Advice and Information -

    With more than 30 recognised symptoms of menopause and growing awareness of the impact on day-to-day life, knowing what to look out for and what support is available can help you.
  28. Report -

    This report highlights the findings from a survey that aimed to gather information from people about how they order their prescriptions, the method they use and their views on how well this works.
  29. News -

    An round-up of news and highlights from this autumn.
  30. News -

    How people order their prescriptions is the focus of a new report from Healthwatch Wiltshire.
  31. News -

    A reminder to order any repeat prescriptions by Friday 15 December.
  32. News -

    Pharmacy First scheme will mean patients can get a prescription without needing to see a doctor.
  33. Advice and Information -

    The new Pharmacy First scheme enables your local pharmacy to treat some common conditions with prescription-only medicines, without you visiting your GP. Find out everything you need to know.
  34. News -

    As part of the gradual winding down of Prescription Ordering Direct (POD), patients in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire are being advised of changes due to come into effect from today.
  35. News -

    A double-bill of bank holiday weekends during May has prompted local health leaders to remind the public to always choose the right service when seeking help and support.
  36. News -

    Find out more about how we decide on our projects for the year ahead.
  37. Report -

    This project provided people with a learning difficulty the opportunity to check the quality of residential care services.
  38. Report -

    What unpaid carers said when they were asked about whether support services on offer were meeting their needs.
  39. Report -

    Looking at the value of Sound Doctor patient information videos from the point of view of people with long term conditions, their carers and health and care professionals.
  40. Report -

    An easy-read summary of our work on information about long term illnesses.
  41. Report -

    A report examining where people go for information on five key long term conditions: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, cancer, dementia, musculoskeletal, and mental health and wellbeing.
  42. Report -

    A report on the Adult Care Information Sharing (ACIS) pilot scheme, part of the Single View project to provide a simple and secure way for GPs and Care Coordinators to gain access to information on the Wiltshire Council's Adult Care System.
  43. Report -

    This report focuses on what people told us about the Dementia Adviser Service and issues which may relate to this service.
  44. Report -

    A report from 2015 looking at what information is available for people living with dementia and their carers in Wiltshire.
  45. Report -

    The impact of our work looking at the information available for people living with dementia.
  46. Report -

    A summary of our work creating an A-Z directory for the Your Care Your Support Wiltshire website.
  47. Report -

    Our work with Wiltshire People 1st in creating Easy Read versions of pages on the Your Care Your Support Wiltshire website.