1. Report -

    The impact of our work to find out whether care home residents or people receiving domiciliary care can access NHS dental services.
  2. Report -

    The development and implementation of our Enter and View programme.
  3. Report -

    Our work gathering feedback from relatives of people who had used the Urgent Palliative Care @ Home service, and the staff providing and coordinating the service.
  4. Report -

    The impact of our work enabling the public to have their say on proposals for a new dementia pathway and to enhance dementia specialist care home support.
  5. Report -

    The impact of our work looking at the information available for people living with dementia.
  6. Report -

    People share their views on proposals for caring for people living with dementia who have complex needs, which were put forward by Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Wiltshire Council in 2017.
  7. Report -

    Our report following a visit to The Wingfield, Trowbridge, which provides accommodation to frail older people, people with nursing needs and people living with dementia.