1. Report -

    Our work gathering feedback on the draft Wiltshire End of Life Care Strategy for Adults 2017-2020.
  2. Report -

    People living with dementia and their carers share their experiences of primary care services in Wiltshire, including GP surgeries and health care centres, pharmacies, opticians and dentists.
  3. Report -

    The impact of our work with Alzheimer's Support to find out how dementia support services could be improved in Wiltshire.
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    The development and implementation of our Enter and View programme.
  5. Report -

    Our work gathering feedback from relatives of people who had used the Urgent Palliative Care @ Home service, and the staff providing and coordinating the service.
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    The impact of our work gathering feedback from unpaid carers about what support they would like to prevent them from reaching a caring crisis.
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    The impact of our work looking at the information available for people living with dementia.
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    Working with Alzheimer's Support, the aim of this project was to map and evaluate dementia community support services across Wiltshire, considering both equity and quality of provision.
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    People share their views on proposals for caring for people living with dementia who have complex needs, which were put forward by Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Wiltshire Council in 2017.