GP Websites Review

This report is an observational assessment of information provided on GP practice websites in Wiltshire, carried out by our team of volunteer researchers.

Our review was designed to examine the current content of websites for all 49 GP practices in the county. 

The aim of this piece of work was to look at how useful, accessible, up-to-date and informative the GP websites were and identify examples of best practice. 

Six volunteer researchers took part, putting themselves in the position of someone needing to contact their surgery. 

The majority of the websites were easy to find, navigate, read and understand, but there was significant variation in the quality and quantity of the information.

This was largely a benchmarking exercise and our recommendations for improving the websites can be used as a checklist for GP practices to follow. 

Since this review has been carried out, NHS England have produced a guide, Creating a Highly Usable and Accessible GP Website for Patients (August 2022), which echoes much of our work and which we recommend practices follow.

Constructive feedback with examples of what ‘good’ looks like are always welcome. Your list of recommendations will provide a useful crib sheet for practices to refer to when reviewing their websites.

Dr Andy Purbrick, Joint Chief Executive, Wessex Local Medical Committees Ltd


If you would like this report in a different format, email or call 01225 434218.

GP Websites Review

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