1. Report -

    An easy read summary of our work on dementia and complex needs in 2017.
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    An easy read summary of our engagement work on dementia in 2017.
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    Feedback from patients and unpaid carers on the Early Supported Discharge service for patients with a fractured neck of femur (broken hip).
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    A report examining where people go for information on five key long term conditions: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, cancer, dementia, musculoskeletal, and mental health and wellbeing.
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    Our report following a visit to Blenheim House in Melksham, a purpose-built care home with a specialist dementia unit.
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    Looking at the value of Sound Doctor patient information videos from the point of view of people with long term conditions, their carers and health and care professionals.
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    Our report following a visit to Coombe End Court in Marlborough, a purpose-built care home with a specialist dementia unit.
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    Our work at a glance from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
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    An easy-read summary of our work on information about long term illnesses.
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    Our work with Youth Action Wiltshire and Community First’s Community Organisers to create an engagement programme training students to become Young Listeners, hearing the views of their peers on health and wellbeing support in school.
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    We spoke to patients, relatives and staff about the effectiveness of the Home First service, which aims to support early discharge of patients who are medically able to leave hospital or a care home.
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    Share your experiences of local health and care services and make it better for everyone.
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    After a recent tender process, Wiltshire Council has appointed a new provider for the county’s independent local Healthwatch service.
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    Wiltshire Council has appointed a new provider for Healthwatch Wiltshire.
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    Our work with Year 8 students at Devizes School, focusing on both physical and mental health.
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    Healthwatch Wiltshire has been shortlisted for an award for using creative ways to involve volunteers in their work.
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    We were commissioned by Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group to gather local people’s views about a proposed new vision statement for the Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board.
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    Healthwatch Wiltshire are asking local people what areas within mental health they should be focusing on for the next year.
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    We've earned national recognition for a project which gave hundreds of young people a chance to speak up about their mental health.
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    Healthwatch Wiltshire is looking for people with a passion for health and care services to join its Local Leadership Board.
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    Healthwatch Wiltshire is looking for your ideas on how it can improve its work in 2019.